well, i just got myself flash cs3, since it has some new functions
but when i imported my first sprite for testing, it looked all messed up!
import in flash 8 still works fine
anyone know a solution for this problem? or i'll have to keep using flash 8 = (
EDIT: thanks for everyone's help, the problem is solved, although i realized i don't really like flash cs3
stupid adobe! macromedia rulezzzzz!!!! (^_^)
anyway, with the problem solved, i'd like to present to you a new project that I'm planning to do:
"Akuma vs. Gouken"
i haven't started it yet, cause there are some other projects i wanna work on too
anyway, here's a title picture!
stay tuned! :D
Es kommt manchal sowas vor, weil bei mir in TUPT-2 komment manche .PNG Bilder in andere Groesse...
Siehst du dort unten, bei Flash 8 "B: 64" und "H:94"...
Genau das musst du bei CS3 eintippen, und es wird alles ok :P
jaaa aber es ist so umständlich immer die maße einzutippen,
bei so vielen sprites -.-