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MOre info and one more new screenie!
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/6/07
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MOre info and one more new screenie!
sweet! can't wait from Akuma vs Gouken.
I though you would have stopped making flash movies after Mugen movie 3.
User better music this time!
and don't worry about the Proton Cannon, it isn't a copy of Proxicide's work, every flash movie has a cameo of the Proton Cannon
An Akuma vs Gouken fight would be awesome to see! it would even be more awesome if you can play! Gouken is confirmed for SF-IV! I feel like I wanna see that fight now!
Kollega, mach diese Animation fertig... Man langweilt sich schon langsam mit der Zeit, weil keiner von diesen Arschloecher irgentwas hochladet >:(
So... Maybe something this year? :D
ich hab gar keine zeit......schule und so......
warum bringen die anderen nichts raus? zu faul? ^^
was ist eigentlich mit deiner animation? du arbeitest schon ewigkeiten daran!!!
New news post up on my page.
any news on progression???:P
New Information: Check my page! =O)
you still alive?
SWEAT the depute of Gouken in a flash this hsould be good.
New news post, check it out if ya can
"although i realized i don't really like flash cs3"
Same here man. I do not use CS3, never have, I still with Flash 8. I see you had some sprite problems with CS3. Well I do not want any
How far are you on your animation anyway?
well, i haven't really worked on it lately, no inspiration D:
but with the release of SF4 the inspiration is rising :D
Are you still working on this movie man?
O sorry man! It's good to work on your animation now because everyone is hyped over SF 4 so it's bound to get views! =D
i think Bhograj will win.
is bhograj even making a flash at the moment?